Course Description

We are all suffering from some form of stress. Society is in 'shutdown', fear is growing. 

Everyone must reconsider how they live in a society focused on the negative and filled with fear and anxiety.

We would like to help you rediscover your own sense of inner peace, calmness and happiness.

 This course holds valuable keys to reconnecting to your true self worth and developing a renewed inner Presence.

When you practice the meditation and relaxation cycles on a daily basis you will begin to relax your mind and nervous system, this in turn will restore the vital internal energy that helps the immune system defend it self.

Please Note: this course is mobile friendly and you may access all exercises through your mobile

This approach to happiness and health is simple and profound.

Break through your stress patterns by learning how to cultivate Inner Peace and Happiness, using a combination of Guided Deep Relaxation, Mindful Meditation and Relaxing Breathing Techniques.

In this course you will be taken through the deep relaxation/meditation skills needed to gently clear your difficult emotional stress patterns while you learn how to create a healing response for all your life's ups and downs. 
This is an opportunity to change your life for the better, if you are truly ready to let go your old conflicting beliefs and reset your body/mind responses to life.

'Breaking the Stress cycle' places the emphasis on you having an experience of deep inner calm straight away.

The lessons are designed to clear you of difficult unwanted tension while you simply practise deep meditative relaxation skills 


*guided Meditation cycles that have been created, to include specially composed Alpha brain wave music, that help you  let go unwanted stress patterns and tense emotions, easily and naturally.

*specially chosen breathing techniques giving you a system of deep relaxation and meditation that focuses your bodies healing energy on realigning the body, heart, nervous system and brain.

Support and guidance:    Yes, you will experience the release of your negative stress patterns, but not by just reading about it. 

In this program you are given the support and guidance on 'how to' create lasting change.

While listening and practicing the deep meditative/relaxation cycles, your nervous system and brain will begin to rewire, while developing new neural pathways.

This in turn creates changes in bio-energy and hormones, stimulating a change in the brain's biochemistry. 
These are the ingredients needed to grow new neural circuits and make new brain networks which in turn helps you create a new You. 
'Who you will be in the future is determined by how you think and feel now.'

The techniques taught are based on new Brain research taken from the fields of Quantum Science, Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, coupled with the Ancient Eastern traditions of Meditation and Vital internal energy building.

'If you wish to learn how to destress 
and heal your body/mind while increasing your emotional intelligence, 
then first you must be able to bring your body and mind 

into a brain wave pattern 
that only appears when you are relaxed and happy.'

Once you reconnect your brain and nervous system by gently removing the internal stress that separates and divides them, you will discover a vast resource of infinite intelligence waiting to assists you on your journey to optimal health and wellness.

If you have always wanted to meditate, but have found it too hard to sit still and be quiet, then 'Breaking the Stress Cycle' will teach you the fundamentals needed to practice a meditative practice that leads to a peaceful mind and a loving heart.

This course holds important keys to  *self acceptance of your true nature  *happiness  *sleeping better  *developing higher intelligence  *improving the immune system  *speeding up recovery for illness and *revitalising the body’s energy systems.

It is clear, easy and practical. 
You will be able to utilise and experience the relaxation/meditation cycles 

right from the very beginning.

Areas of your life where you may notice changes 

 your moods will elevate and your outlook on life will brighten

• you will experience a sense of wholeness and happiness

• your sleep pattern will improve

• you will feel a calmer, more loving approach to interactions with others

• your body's vital energy will start to increase throughout your day

• you will notice an increased ability to focus and to be more creative at work and play

• it will give you the benefits of a calm, peaceful mind under pressure

• loving kindness will begin to be felt within the field of the heart 

• it will change how you live and see the world

• it will teach you skills to enhance your wellbeing and develop greater Self Awareness

• it may be one of the best anti-ageing and life enhancing techniques available

•  You can begin your journey of deep Self-transformation towards higher states of consciousness

All these marvellous changes are possible when you are willing to take the time to let go and drop into a regular practice of ‘Deep Meditative Relaxation’.

Are you ready to change your mind and your heart?

Join me for this inspiring journey to happiness and inner peace

Senior Instructor

Robert Kendall

Hi my name is Robert Kendall. I am an Energy Medicine Practitioner, spending the last 35 years as a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, majoring in the fields of Acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Medical Herbalism, Kinesiology, Meditation and Accelerated Learning.My work in these areas has helped me discover valuable simple supportive methods within the fields of Energy Medicine, Quantum Science and Traditional Eastern Philosophy, for helping people turn their lives around, to help them heal and create lasting, positive, uplifting change in their lives.Special interests are in teaching and practising Deep Relaxation/Meditation and the powerful techniques of Accelerated-Whole brain learning.I have a specific interest in bridging the gap between spirituality and quantum fields of consciousness, especially within the areas of Self transformation, energy healing and the awakening of our higher intelligence.You could say I love to demystify ancient wisdom and quantum science in the areas of mind and body.  I am a long term enthusiast of everything to do with learning how to expand our human consciousness. If you would like to know more about Rob please go to the About Us pageDr. Robert Kendall - Holistic Energy Medicine PractitionerB. Ac (non-pract.) - Dip.Med.Herb - mAHPRA,  mATMS. - Kinesiologist -Relaxation and Meditation teacher - Quantum Field Energetics Practitioner - Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Group Facilitator & Practitioner 

Course curriculum


5 star rating

I like the length of the videos

Jennifer Parenteau

I think it is very good to have these listening segments as short as they are.

I think it is very good to have these listening segments as short as they are.

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5 star rating

Absolutely amazing

CarLee Morawitz

Thank you so much for your course. I have gotten so many skills and learnt so many new and exciting ways to better my every day life. Have already shared m...

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Thank you so much for your course. I have gotten so many skills and learnt so many new and exciting ways to better my every day life. Have already shared my love and joy of your course with many friends.

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5 star rating

Breaking the Stress Cycle

Frank Yarsley

I found this course easy to complete, as well as full of helpful and practical information. It is the start of a journey not the end as to make the most of t...

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I found this course easy to complete, as well as full of helpful and practical information. It is the start of a journey not the end as to make the most of this course as with any other I must continue to implement the techniques and exercises that will help me to change and grow. Well done and very much appreciated. Frank Yarsley

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5 star rating

Truly a pleasant enjoyable and authentic learning experie...

marina orpen

"Breaking the Stress Cycle" is a wonderful gift to oneself and truly a pleasant enjoyable learning experience. I would like to underscore Robert Kendall's g...

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"Breaking the Stress Cycle" is a wonderful gift to oneself and truly a pleasant enjoyable learning experience. I would like to underscore Robert Kendall's generous sharing of wisdom and experiential knowledge that I believe only an authentic life practitioner could impart with full confidence. I love the way this course progressively unfurls at a natural steady pace. Rolling out a comprehensive variety of ancient and innovative easy to follow practises for neutralising feelings of immobility caused by anxiety and fear. Furthermore I found the sound healing tracks a wonderful tool for inducing deep meditation, restoring mental clarity and peace that I can use everyday for fine tuning my wellbeing. Marina Orpen (Entrepreneur, Artist, Living Outside the Matrix Practioner)

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5 star rating

I feel lucky I found this course

Deborah Thompson

When I first decided to do this course I was overloaded with Stress. The first time I attempted the 14 min guided meditation I couldnt even relax for 14mins...

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When I first decided to do this course I was overloaded with Stress. The first time I attempted the 14 min guided meditation I couldnt even relax for 14mins- everything intruded – I was hot, I need to blow my nose, I was easily disturbed. Now I have been coming back to these guided meditations and I can feel my body relax as I start to lie down. The guided meditations stop me listening to my own annoying voice Thanks DT, Bookkeeper, Podcaster, Author, Actor

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5 star rating

Pure Magic

Tanya Percival

I am truly grateful for the lessons I am learning through Breaking The Stress Cycle.... My mind can quickly wander off when I am learning new things but t...

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I am truly grateful for the lessons I am learning through Breaking The Stress Cycle.... My mind can quickly wander off when I am learning new things but these short powerful lessons have my captivation the whole time. I am still amazed how the meditations take me into such a deep relaxation in such a short time frame. I become so relaxed that I am positive I will not be able to get up off the floor, but then I return back to my surroundings with your guidance and I feel renewed energy, calmness, open heart and mind ready for creative source and possibilities. I would also like to speak on behalf of Maxine my Magical Black Cat. One day when I was in the middle of one of the shorter meditations, I felt this gentle touch on my left hand, I slowly turned my head to the side to see Maxine lying down, stretched out so relaxed with her head against my fingers, she was in bliss and clearly enjoying the meditation too. Thank you so much for creating this easy but powerful program, it is an immediate game changer for me. Sending Love and Light Through Divine Grace In A Perfect Way

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5 star rating

Fantastic course !

Jana Jana

Absolutely fantastic course. I would highly recommend it to everybody!

Absolutely fantastic course. I would highly recommend it to everybody!

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